Our Story
Homesteading in the Heart of Dixie

Welcome to Brushwood Creek Farm! We are Hayley and Dylan Hayes, and our goal is to breed and raise quality ADGA Nubian dairy goats who excel in production and conformation. Our herd started as a hobby/project in 2016, but it has quickly grown into a passion. With the introduction of some solid genetics and a clear goal in mind, we revamped the herd in 2021. Whether you're looking for an awesome home milker or an animal to excel in the show ring, you can find it here at Brushwood Creek.
We started DHI milk testing our herd in 2022. In 2024, we will be attending our first linear appraisal (finally!). We believe these tools are imperative to bettering the breed and moving our own breeding plan in the right direction.
Herd health is the top priority for our farm. Adults are tested yearly for CAE and Johnes, and all kids are lambar-raised on pasteurized milk for CAE prevention. Copper boluses and CD&T boosters are given yearly. For more information, please see our Herd Management section of the website.
We have also started selling our own line of handmade goat milk soaps and lotions made with milk directly from our herd. Head on over to our Soaps page to see what we have currently available.
Like our Facebook page to keep up with everything around the farm - from breeding and kidding, to new additions, to gardening, and everything in between.